Unified Security Services
Location: Cairns , Cairns
Country: Australia

Mobile Number: ( + 6 x x x x 4 9 8 0 2 0 0
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Based around the core foundation of several security professionals with the same goal in mind - to create the most professional security team possible, whatever the situation.

Our operatives have worked both internationally as well as domestically. From the professionalism of diplomat or celebrity close protection, to the demands of live television broadcasts in Fiji, we understand the needs of the industry. Understandably, our client's confidentiality is always a priority.

We are able to man teams from as few as two operatives up to twenty - depending upon your needs. The difference is that you will know that you're getting some of the best security specialists in the business and not just an overpriced fat man in a bad shirt.

Skilled in all aspects of security, our specialists are trained in firearms and self defence tactics. However, we believe our main strength lies in the fact that all of our specialists have a strong public relations background, enabling us to deal with almost any issue in an entirely non-confrontational manner whilst still remaining figures of authority.

At the end of the day, you can rest assured that your security needs are safe with USS.

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